Popular Lionel Model Train Sets From 1946

In 1946 Lionel created a variety of outfits like those in their prewar indexes. Among these contributions were 23 sets. This wide range of sets permitted Lionel to offer outfits at a few costs, with the most economical outfit retailing for just $24.95, while the fancy outfit was $85.00.

1946 was the introduction year of many new plans, not at all like the earlier year which just reiterated recently created items. New thought process power incorporated the O-Measure 726 Berkshire, delivered by introducing a 2-8-4 system in a kettle in view of the prewar 226E, and the all-new 6-8-6 Pennsylvania turbine. The last option was presented in O-Check outfits as inventory number 671, while those remembered for O27 outfits were numbered 2020. To the lower stopping point was a smoothed out 2-6-4 with the inventory number of 221.

New cargo vehicles were presented also. The 2411 “major inch” flatcar imparted its pass on cast edge to the 2419 and 2420 work rears. Likewise utilizing kick the bucket cast outlines were the new dump vehicles: 3451 for logs and 3459 for coal. The new 2460 crane likewise had a pass on cast outline, and rode on a couple of six-wheel trucks. These trucks imparted a huge number to comparable six-wheel trucks utilized on Bakelite-bodied 2625 traveler vehicles and the kick the bucket cast-bodied 2426W delicate utilized by the 726.

The designing used to created the 1945, 2452 gondola, was extended. The 2454 freight car, 2465 Sunoco tank vehicle and 3454 working product vehicles included plastic bodies mounted on steel outlines. The 2452 was proceeded, and joined by a subsequent gondola, the 2452X, which missing the mark on brake haggles that enhanced the 2452.

The low-end O27 sets contained numerous vehicles that were improved from prewar plans, yet as a greater amount of the year passed, expanding quantities of new items were created, which were remembered for additional costly outfits. Circling back to the outcome of the 1945 knuckle couplers was a staggering new component remembered for the better sets, smoke. Considerably more tremendous, yet substantially less broad, was Electronic Control-the last accessible just in set 4109WS. Just like the case in 1945, the 1946 outfit boxes were straightforward layered containers with glued on names to recognize the set they contained.

Coming up next are probably the most sought after Lionel O27-Measure Outfits from 1946:

1400W- – Lionel O27 Traveler Set- – Retailed for $35.95

Included: 221 2-6-4 steam train with working front light; 221W sheet-metal delicate; two 2430 blue Pullman vehicles; 2431 blue perception; eight 1013 bended and three 1018 straight track; 1019 O27 controller track segment; UTC Lockon, 926-5 guidance booklet; 1041 60-watt transformer.

This set was a somewhat more costly variant of the 1400 outfit. For the an extra $5.95 over the 1400, a 221W whistling delicate supplanted the 221T, and the transformer was moved up to a 1401 60-watt unit. In superb condition, this set is worth approx. $650. In like new condition this set is worth approx. $1400.

1407B- – Lionel O27 Switcher Ringer Outfit- – Retailed for $37.50

Included: 1665 0-4-0 steam switcher with working front light; 2403B slant back delicate with ringing ringer; 2560 crane; 2452X gondola; 2419 work rear; eight 1013 bended and five 1018 straight track; 1019 O27 controller track segment; UTC Lockon; 926-5 guidance booklet; 1037 40-watt transformer.

This train was fueled by a 1665 0-4-0 switcher, which was a patched up prewar 1662 switcher. Among the progressions made to the train were the establishment of the new after war trucks on the delicate, and mounting Lionel’s new knuckle couplers on the back of the delicate and pilot of the train. Mounting an infusion shaped plastic taxi and two infusion shaped plastic tool compartments onto the kick the bucket cast body projecting made for the 2411 flatcar crated the 2419 work rear. A kick the bucket cast smoke-jack was introduced on the rear taxi. The sheet metal 2560 crane vehicle was persisted structure the prewar line in its unique shades of yellow taxi with red rooftop. The 1946 creation of these cranes included two-piece blasts that were bolted together, and had the Lionel name formed in. In phenomenal condition this outfit is worth approx. $900. In like new condition this outfit is worth approx. $1500.

1421WS- – Lionel O27 Cargo Train- – Retailed for $85.00

Included: 2020 6-8-6 steam turbine train with working front light and smoke; 2020W early coal whistle delicate; 3451 working log vehicle; 2465 Sunoco twofold vault tank vehicle; 3454 product vehicle; 2472 non-enlightened Pennsylvania N5 rear; 164 working log loader; ten 1013 bended and five 1018 straight track; 1019 O27 controller track area; sets of 1121 controller turnouts; UTC Lockon; 926-5 guidance booklet; 1041 60-watt transformer.

While the 1419W furnished the proprietor with a coal domain, the 1421W, likewise valued at $85, made a wood realm. Following the 2020 steam turbine in the set was a kick the bucket cast 3451 log dump vehicle to be utilized related to the 164 log loader. The 1964 log vehicle conveyed five flawless logs and was elastic stepped in silver. The get shoes were set up with blue wire, and a couple of 1121 controller turnouts was remembered for request to consolidate the 164 in the track design. A silver 3454 working product vehicle added considerably more activity to the train, which was shockingly gotten done with a plain red, non-enlightened 2472 rear. Like the 1419WS, numerous instances of this set have been found with a 75-watt 1042 transformer as opposed to the recorded 60-watt 1041. This train in amazing condition is worth approx. $1500 and in like new condition is worth approx. $1500.

Coming up next are the absolute most sought after Lionel O-Check outfits from 1946:

2110WS- – Lionel Three-Vehicle Traveler – Retailed for $75.00

Included: 671 6-8-6 steam turbine train with working front light and smoke; 2466W early coal whistle delicate; three 2625 heavyweight Pullmans; eight OC bended and five operating system straight track; RCS uncoupling/working segment; 167 whistle regulator; UTC Lockon; 926-5 guidance booklet.

To make a top notch O-check traveler set, Lionel resuscitated it prewar Bakelite “Irvington” traveler vehicle. The after war manifestation of this vehicle included recently planned six-wheel trucks with knuckle couplers- – subsidiaries of these trucks were involved on the 2460 crane and 2426W delicate too. The vehicle bodies were painted maroon or rosy brown as opposed to the prewar shade of medium brown. To tow this traveler train, Lionel utilized its imitation of the Pennsylvania 20-wheel steam turbine, the 671. This set in superb condition is worth approx. $1750 and this set in like new condition is worth approx. $2975.

2113WS- – Lionel O-Check Three-Vehicle Cargo Outfit- – Retailed for $67.50

Included: 726 2-8-4 Berkshire steam train with working front light and smoke; 2426W kick the bucket cast whistle delicate; 2855 dark Sunoco single arch tank vehicle; 3854 working product vehicle; 2457 enlightened rear; eight OC working product vehicle; 2457 enlightened rear; eight OC bended and cut off operating system straight track; RCS uncoupling/working area; 167 whistle regulator; UTC Lockon; 926-5 guidance booklet.

Debuting in outfit 2113WS was the new 2-8-4 Berkshire steam train. However a 2-8-4 would be a staple of Lionel’s O-measure sets into the 1960s, the 1946 model was special. The smoke unit depended on a light, the engine and switching E-unit was mounted on a level plane, and the handrails mounted with turned supports. The earliest renditions of the 726 were furnished with what gatherers allude to as the “huge stack” engine. Afterward, the quantity of field overlays was diminished, coming about is known as a “short stack” engine.

The ridged part box was remarkable to the 1946 train. Fixed with prewar-style orange and blue fixing tape, the container was set apart with a maker’s seal that expressed, “GAIR BOGOTA CORR. and Fiber BOX CORP.” The closures of the crate were stepped with “No. 726” in little lettering. The vehicles close by were comparably one of a kind. However inventoried as the normal silver 2755, the tank vehicle included was really the scant dark 1855. The prewar semi-scale freight car tooling was resuscitated and changed with the expansion of a rooftop hatch and inside system to make a working product vehicle, the 3854. This vehicle is one of the most hard to track down things from the post bellum time. In phenomenal condition this outfit is worth approx. $2000. In like new condition this set is worth approx. $3200.

2114WS- – Lionel O-Measure Three-Vehicle Traveler Outfit- – Retailed for $77.50

Included: 726 2-8-4 Berkshire steam train with working fog light and smoke; 2426W whistle delicate; three 2625 heavyweight Pullmans; eight OC bended and five operating system straight track; RCS uncoupling/working area; 167 regulator; UTC Lockon; 926-5 guidance booklet.

This was the most costly traveler outfit presented in 1946. The three Bakelite 2625 Irvington traveler vehicles introduced the 726 with an imposing burden, particularly those trains furnished with the later “short stack” engine. The pass on cast tenders were outfitted with bite the dust cast whistle lodgings and, however at first stepped in white, at last were lettered in silver. In magnificent condition the outfit is worth approx. $2500 and in like new condition is valued at $4000.

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