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It’s vs. Its: Mastering the Possessive Pronoun

The tiny difference between “it’s” and “its” can trip up even the best writers. Both are just four letters long, but they serve entirely different purposes. This article will guide you through the distinction between these two homophones, ensuring your writing shines with clarity

Its: The Possessive Pronoun

“Its” is the possessive form of the pronoun “it.” Just like “my” or “her,” it indicates ownership or belonging. Here are some examples of “its” used correctly:

Remember: There’s no apostrophe in “its.” The apostrophe is reserved for contractions, where letters are omitted for brevity (like “it’s” for “it is”).

It’s: The Contraction

“It’s” is a contraction of “it is” or “it has.” Here’s how it’s used:

Tip: If you can replace “it’s” with “it is” or “it has” without changing the sentence’s meaning, you’re on the right track.

A Simple Trick

Here’s a handy trick to avoid confusion: if you can’t replace “it’s” with “it is” or “it has,” then “its” (the possessive pronoun) is the correct choice.

For example:

With a little practice, you’ll master the difference between “it’s” and “its” and ensure your writing is clear and error-free.

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