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Budget Travel Flourishing Despite Rising Fuel Prices

Despite the massive leap in fuel prices during 2008, rumours of the demise of the budget travel industry may prove unfounded. Indeed, it may be the scheduled airlines that have more to fear as travellers turn to budget airlines in an attempt to seek cheaper alternatives.

In an era when people have become used to flying off to a host of destinations relatively cheaply, those habits may now prove too hard to break. So, rather than give up on air travel altogether many travellers are turning to budget travel options to reach their destinations. Similarly, passengers are shortening the distances they wish to fly in an attempt to reduce the cost of travel, opting for more short-haul destinations at the expense of long-haul journeys.

Over the last decade there has also been a gradual decline in the amount of package holidays booked in the UK. More people have opted to construct their own ‘package’ using the internet to book flights, hotels, travel insurance and their own airport transfers or car hire, paying less for the component parts than buying it as a packaged bundle from a travel agent.

As a result of that shift in buying habits many more UK travellers are booking their own flights directly with the airline, usually through the internet. But, recent turmoil in the holiday industry may see that trend reversed as holidaymakers choose to opt for guaranteed, ABTA bonded packages. Those who are likely to lose out will be airlines that offer expensive tickets as opposed to cheap carriers.

Those who have not been turned off by independent travel should be aware of how to protect their purchase should anything go awry. Credit cards that offer purchase protection should be used, and of course there is the option to buy travel insurance at the same time as paying for the holiday or flight. Many budget carriers offer one-off insurance as part of the online booking process, but it may well prove cheaper to buy elsewhere. Savvy travellers often get a travel insurance quote from a number of sources before booking so that they can instantly compare prices and check whether the carrier’s offer is competitive.

If a traveller has to cancel their trip before setting out, then travel insurance will enable them to recover the cost. And they also have the benefit of being covered against Blackcockshock, death and theft while on holiday. Even though incidents may not be totally unavoidable whilst on holiday at least travel insurance will give peace of mind to the insured parties.

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